Thursday, February 25, 2016


I started working with my Raspberry pi 2 camera and during my research i found the following websites very useful:

--> how to connect camera to pi and how to unable camera and also have options like Shell (Linux command line) or Python for writing the commands. I used Python.

--> quick start guides on Picamera and some simple commands in python.
--> some examples on how to use camera on raspberry pi using python

I wrote a program in python that streams the video on the monitor and also takes the number of images users enters and takes 15 seconds break between each pictures. You can also extend the break time.

--> My step is to live stream the video to my raspberry pi and the face detection.

Monday, February 15, 2016

About Cisco95

My main intention to begin the blog is to keep track of my goals and things while I am building a robot (Cisco95) that can be operated by using my laptop. It can be used as video surveillance which gives the live stream on my laptop. It should also have a facial detection ability to.

My First steps:

I bought a rover kit, a camera and a range finder sensor.
      I am going to implement the camera and make the rover move in the next few days using the raspberry pi 2.

Rover kit:
          Small and inexpensive robot kit with a 30mm wide x 6mm high gap in the top support plate specifically for a RobotShop 3.7V, 1000mAh LiPo battery.

Ultra Sonic Range Finder:
    Power supply: 5V DC
    Ultrasonic Frequency: 40k Hz
    Resolution: 1 cm

IR Camera:
    A native resolution of 5 megapixel
    Smooth connectivity and live picture.

Morse code LED

For my Morse code LED project I wrote a code using python in raspberry pi that lets user enter a message in English and turns it into Morse code and prints it out in the terminal. The code also lets the LED in the LED circuit in the breadboard blink according to the Morse code.

The following is the GPIO pinout chart that helps wire GPIO pins in the raspberry pi:

The following is the Layout of my LED circuit:

The code that i implemented in python file:

The Demo:

Sunday, February 14, 2016

First Project

For starters I did the LED blinking project. I made the LEDs blink 3 times in a row.
Items needed:
 Raspberry pi
 Bread board
            Jumper wires
            Bread board wires
       LEDs (different colors or same color)

GPIO pinout chart:

The bread board circuit set-up for the LED blinking project:

To ensure the system has latest version of software, run the following commands in terminal: 

Create a python file named ‘’ on Raspberry pi and type in the following code and save it:

After that open the terminal and type: